Thursday, 31 December 2015

Bea-ing Resolved

I have a story in the current edition of The People’s Friend set on 31st December, the end of one year and the beginning of the next. It is the perfect time for reviewing the last 12 months and wondering what the next 12 will bring. And making resolutions in the hope that they will affect the outcome of the year ahead. My story involves teenage angst, schoolgirl crushes, growing up and finding that the future is often not what you have planned it to be.

The People's Friend, 02 January 2016

This is a good time for me to review my 2015 writing year. I have just completed the tally and find that I have had a total of 41 pieces of writing published. They range through a variety of styles and formats: short stories and non-fiction articles; flash fiction and poetry; news items and readers’ letters. I would like there to have been more short stories and articles but on the whole I am satisfied with what I have achieved.

So, what about 2016? No specifics as to number of submissions, or hours per day at my desk, but generally:

The following are within my control, therefore I resolve to:

·         write and submit regularly. Nothing can be published if it is not first submitted.

·         take gentle exercise each day, even if only a fifteen minute walk with Henry, the arthritic spaniel.

Not within my power to achieve, but nevertheless none of these will happen without input from me, I would like:

·         to sell my first short story to Take A Break Fiction Feast

·         to sell my children’s book, “The ABC Playgroup”

·         to find and join a local writing group

So there you have it. I am resolved!

Happy New Year to everyone!


  1. Happy new year and good luck with the resolutions - and congrats on the publication.

  2. Thank you, Patsy. It's a good way to start the year.

  3. Well done with your achievements so far and I'm with you on the exercise - something I must do more of this year. I am in a writing group and highly recommended it. We set ourselves a termly programme of writing exercises and read them out in class. Feedback is very useful. I wouldn't write half as much without the class. I have just started a blog and it's in the early stages, but please pop over and take a look at

    1. Thank you, Maggie. I hope to find a local group soon. I'll have a look at your blog later. Well done on starting. Happy New Year.

    2. Well done on the story, Bea, and hope you find your writing group. It's hard to find one that suits you isn't it? I'm sure you'll be a hit with TAB as well when you submit to them. That's one of my goals as well.

    3. Thanks, Susan. Just finding a writing group will be the first stage!

  4. Happy New Year, and here's to lots more work in print!
