Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Bea-ing Jaded

Jaded, tired, weary, fed-up. We all feel that way from time to time.

When I look at my submissions summary it’s easy to see why I may be feeling a little down in the mouth at present. I have submitted nothing new during October. Of the 16 submissions outstanding from August and September only one has sold whilst seven have been rejected.

Too many rejections; only one story 'Sold'.
I don’t feel guilty at not having written anything new this month. We have been camping and then had friends to stay, then more friends to stay, then been away again to visit family. Sometimes writing takes a back seat. But if I go too long without writing I start to get twitchy. So it’s time I picked up my pen.
I always think of jaded as an adjective. I hadn’t realised that jade is a noun too. A jade is a bad-tempered or disreputable woman. I have no wish to be considered as either of those.
So I shall pick myself up and smile. Being positive, I still have eight pieces of work under consideration. One of the rejections came with some suggestions and an invitation to resubmit.
So no more excuses. I shall return to my writing desk. It’s time for me to get some more stories out there.


  1. I feel twitchy too if I go for more than a few days without writing.

    1. Perhaps we can suggest a new collective noun, a twitch of writers.

  2. Well done on having so many submissions still under consideration. I've hardly written a thing in the last couple of months and I hate having almost nothing out there. I'm hoping to rectify that in November - I've had what I hope are a few decent ideas at last.

    Good luck with all your remaining subs and the rewrite, and hope you get lots more out there soon x

  3. At least you have a number of submissions out there and one editor is interested enough to give you feedback. Keep sending them out and good luck.

    1. Persistence and luck, the two biggest tools in the writer's box, Keith.
