Writers are often asked: “Where do you find the inspiration
for your stories?” “What led you to write that one?” The story I sold yesterday
was inspired by the 70th anniversary of the end of World War
2 which falls this year. Not all soldiers and war heroes returned home to find
the girl they loved waiting for them. Many had moved on. Likewise the war-weary
men who returned home were not the innocent, idealistic boys who went away.
Time and experience changes people. My story tells of two such young lovers
reunited in 1945.
But inspiration is not just finding a tale to tell. Sometimes
we need a kick up the backside. We need motivation to sit at the computer and
write. I find that from fellow writers. Yesterday I learned that one of my
Facebook writer friends had submitted 11 stories in one month to a single
magazine. And sold most of them! Time for me to knuckle down, I think.
And if I become despondent when rejections are received, as
they were last Friday, I find inspiration by the faith my family and friends
have in my ability to write. And the ultimate inspiration is when an editor
says, yes, we like your story and will pay you for it. Now typing an invoice –
that is inspiring!
What or who inspires you?