Sunday, 22 July 2018

Quo Vadis?

As the summer holiday beckons I have been finalising my journey plans. Last year I blogged my way around the country. I intend to do the same with this years travels.

Curiocity - the hardback
Perfect for the coffee table
My journey starts tomorrow with a flight to Exeter to see family in Tavistock, which is always a pleasure but an added bonus will be the presence of my nephew and his family on a fleeting visit home from Argentina. 

Curiocity - the paperback
Perfect for the pocket
Matthew is a writer himself, co-author of Curiocity a brilliant tome about London with many curious maps and ways of reimagining the city.

The Charcter Conundrum
Perfect for teachers
He has written The Character Conundrum  a fascinating book for teachers wanting to promote resilience in children. 

He is also a very patient reader of my paltry offerings and I remain grateful to him for his support and enthusiasm which helps keep me going when I lose my way.

Knowing where you are going and when is essential when booking flights and trains, and planning routes. But the writing journey is seldom so easy to predict. Sometimes it goes in directions you never knew existed.

Six years ago had you asked me the question Quo vadis?” I could not have given you an answer. I was in a place where there was no way forward. Then I won my first writing competition which gave me confidence to submit my work for publication. 

I no longer ask where my writing will take me next. I just enjoy the ride.