Saturday, 30 September 2017

Keep it going

"The big ship sails through the alley, alley oh... On the last day of September"

Winning subscription
30th September - how did that happen? It feels like only yesterday I arrived home from my travels. But I've checked the calendar and there's no escaping the fact, September is at an end.

And as always happens on this date I catch an ear-worm of this rhyme which takes me back to my childhood.  It involved a group of us holding hands and weaving through an arch made by two other children. One of the classic 'thread the needle' games.

News of my success
I came back from my travels 'Journey's End' determined to renew my writing. I'm pleased to say that I have! I made 12 submissions in total, of which one piece of flash fiction has been published on Paragraph Planet and four news items were published in Writers' Forum magazine, which awarded me a year's free subscription. Success!
I have yet to hear about the other 7 submissions and competition entries, but I shan't keep my fingers crossed - it stops me typing. Like the childhood game, I have to keep on moving - write, submit, write, submit. And wait (and hope) for more successful publications.

All together now: "The big ship sails..."