Wednesday, 24 August 2016


It’s back today! Judging from Twitter I’m not the only one struggling to keep my excitement under control. I refer of course to The Great British Bake Off which returns to our television screens tonight. Weeks of fun lie ahead. Expect to see plenty of hard work and effort, creativity, histrionics, disbelief, despair and finally exultation. Just like writing really.

Last year I had a 75 word flash published on Paragraph Planet which was inspired by The Great British Bake Off. Today is as good a time as any to share it again. If you haven’t heard of Paragraph Planet pop across and have a look at their site. They publish a new piece of flash fiction every day, the only requirement being it has to be exactly 75 words, no more and no less, including any title. I find it an excellent way of warming up for a day of writing. Why not give it a go?

Now to get back to my own literary efforts, mixing up words and phrases in just the right proportions to create a tasty manuscript. Hope I can avoid the flabby middle and soggy bottom.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Alan and Bea

I said in my last post Bea-ing Zed that I would be taking time out from blogging because “Real life sometimes gets in the way of the virtual world”. Sadly it did in the cruellest way. During the last few months I nursed my wonderful husband through his final illness before he slipped away on 23 June. No, that is wrong. Alan didn’t so much slip away; it was more that he chose his time to leave. Sometimes the bravest thing is to let go of what we know and to face the unknown. Alan did that.
Thank you, Alan, for the time we spent together and for your inspiration.
Which leaves me to carry on. I intend to resume my writing. Alan was my greatest supporter, always encouraging: he suggested topics for articles, he danced with me when I celebrated a sale and he picked me up when I received a rejection.
Knowing he would support me still, last week I attended the Swanwick Writers’ Summer School just six weeks after he died. I’m so glad I did: informative courses and workshops; inspiring speakers; refreshing meditation sessions; beautiful grounds (with a little WW2 history thrown in); an abundance of food and coffee; evening entertainment. I met with virtual friends and made new ones. Stimulation and relaxation in equal measure, just what I needed. Thank you to all at Swanwick for a week of renewal and inspiration.