Whenever you enter a competition you hope that your
story will be successful. It’s a wonderful feeling when those hopes are
fulfilled. So yesterday evening, had you peeked through my blinds, you would
have seen me dancing around the kitchen table.
Even before I won my prize, I was a fan of Kishboo.
It was started last year by a husband and wife team in Yorkshire and will
celebrate its first birthday when Issue 5 is published on 28 October 2015. It's
been wonderful watching it develop. It’s full of interesting
articles, good fiction (15 stories per quarter), book reviews and quizzes.
Submissions are still open for Issue 5 which will
be published on 28th October. The last date to enter a short story
into the competition is 20th October.
The editor Sharon is also looking for entertaining
articles about writing, book reviews and, new to edition 5, poetry. All
guidelines are available on the Kishboo site.
If you’ve not read it yet, then do pop across to www.kishboo.co.uk
where it is available free of charge. Or you can download a copy to your Kindle
for just 99p.